Speaker Jason Stephens


Let’s set the record straight

Speaker Jason Stephens was the only candidate for Speaker of the Ohio House endorsed by CPAC.

Speaker Stephens is a conservative Republican through and through.

  • For those asking - there was no backroom deal with Democrats.

  • Speaker Stephens is a conservative leader who owns a small business, has been an elected official for nearly two decades, married his wife Julie almost thirty years ago, and raised his family here in Ohio. 

  • Our focus under Speaker Stephens’ conservative leadership is putting the people of Ohio first - not out-of-state special interests. 

  • We have led with integrity and transparency and delivered conservative results for our families, communities, and state.

  • Here are the conservative facts:

    • We passed a $2.2 billion income tax cut for Ohio workers and their families – the most significant tax cut in Ohio’s history.

    • We are now working on eliminating the state income tax so Ohio workers can keep more of their hard-earned money, and we can encourage more people to grow our economy.

    • We streamlined the small business tax (CAT) to help our small business owners cut through red tape.

    • We passed the Parents' Bill of Rights, which empowers parents to know what their kids learn in school.

    • We banned transgender surgeries for minors (SAFE Act)

    • We saved women’s sports by prohibiting men from competing in girls’ sports (Save Women’s Sports Act).

    • When the Governor vetoed the SAFE Act and Save Women’s Sports Act, the House, under Speaker Stephens’ leadership, overrode the Governor’s veto and enshrined the SAFE Act and Save Women’s Sports Act into law.

    • We passed universal school choice while investing in our public schools and career tech programs.

    • We passed HB 73, which improves medical freedom.

  • Speaker Stephens has been a conservative all of his life. That is why he has been endorsed by the NRA, Ohio Right to Life, CPAC, and many other organizations that represent conservative Republicans.

  • Speaker Stephens is the Republican Party County Chair in his home county of Lawrence County, a position he has held since 2017.

  • Until becoming Party Chair in 2017, Speaker Stephens served as Republican Party Central Committeeman since 1998.

  • Speaker Stephens is a loyal, lifetime conservative Republican, and anyone who says otherwise is simply a liar, grifter, or political opportunist of the highest degree.